Sunday 19 June 2022

Importance of First Aid - It Encourages Healthy And Safe Living

First aid teaches you the value of healthy living and how your lifestyle habits and choices can increase or decrease your chances of developing problems such as coronary heart disease. Knowing this information makes you more aware of your own health and alert to potential hazards in your environment.


Importance of First Aid - Your Safety Before Others

One of the first things you'll learn during your first aid training is that you must prioritize your own safety. It's not selfishness; it's common sense. Keeping yourself safe means that you can help others rather than needing help yourself.


Importance of First Aid - Instils The Desire To Care

First aid training allows you to reflect on yourself and how you and others react in different situations. Understanding this will boost your confidence in a variety of non-medical day-to-day situations.


Importance of First Aid - Confident In Performing First Aid Procedure

Having basic first aid knowledge means you'll be confident in your first aid administration skills and abilities, and with it, you can use it to help people that are in need.


Importance of First Aid - Learn To Collect Victim Data And Information

First aid teaches you how to gather information and data about what happened and the condition of the patients. This information will be relayed to the emergency services, saving them time. You will also be an important link in the survival chain.


Thursday 16 June 2022

Importance of First Aid - Helps To Prevent The Situation From Becoming Worse

In some cases, if a patient does not receive basic first aid care right away, their condition will rapidly deteriorate. You can stabilize a patient until emergency medical services arrive if you can provide basic care.


Importance of First Aid - Reduce Victim Anxiety Level

By remaining calm and collected, as a result of your first aid knowledge, you are actually providing emotional support to the victim, making them feel more secure and, as a result, lowering their anxiety levels.


Importance of First Aid - It Enables You To Increase Patient Comfort

Although not all accidents, injuries, or illnesses necessitate hospitalization, they do cause pain and suffering to the patient.

You can help relieve their discomfort by knowing how to act – even if it's as simple as correctly applying an ice pack or using appropriate bandaging.


Importance of First Aid - Helps Calm Yourself

First aid training will help you to be confident and comfortable in distress situation.

Therefore, you will be more effective and in control of the situation when facing situation such as road or workplace accidents.


Importance of First Aid - Boost Up Recovery Time

Administering a proper first aid can help to reduce a person’s recovery time and make the difference between the patient having a temporary or long-term disability.
